Private Sector

Housing in Stephen is generally in good condition and there are several housing options available.

Types of Housing Units:  Single family detached housing units comprise the majority of housing units in Stephen.  Commercial building apartments, duplexes, triplexes and mobile home balance out the housing picture.

Value of Housing Units:  The median housing value in Stephen according to the available statistics is $45,000,  This can be accepted as the average price of a house for sale in Stephen.

Special Residential Lots Opportunity:  Residential lots are for sale in the Potato Patch Addition to the City of Stephen.  The lots are available for lower than assessed value.  Located across from the golf course, they are available in varied sizes.  A special incentive program (up to $3,000 for the year 1999), is supported by the City of Stephen -- for further details, phone the City Clerk at 218-478-3614.

Heating Sources:  Fuel oil is the primary heating source with Electric, Off-Peak Electric (requires back up source), Natural Gas and Wood as other means for heating.

Rental Units

The availability of quality housing is of prime concern when anyone is planning to relocate.  Rental units in the City of Stephen take the form of apartment buildings, low subsidy housing, duplexes and a mobile home trailer court.

For Information

Anderson Apartments...................................................437-6379

BenDel Apartments......................................................478-3576

Gunderson Apartments.............218-681-7413 or 218-796-5166

Hjelle Apartments........................................................478-3509

Jensen Apartments......................................................478-3398

Valley Court Mobile Home Park..................................478-2210

Family Rental Housing Units........................................478-2210

Real Estate

Farmers State Bank.....................................................478-3319

Office of the City Clerk................................................478-3614

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