Capacitor Color Codes

Capacitor Color Codes

Color 1st Digital (A) 2nd Digital (B) Multiplier (C) Tolerance (D)
Black 0 0 1 20%
Brown 1 1 10 1%
Red 2 2 100 2%
Orange 3 3 1,000 3%
Yellow 4 4 10,000 4%
Green 5 5 100,000 5%
Blue 6 6 1,000,000 6%
Violet 7 7 10,000,000 7%
Gray 8 8 100,000,000 8%
White 9 9 1,000,000,000 9%
Gold - - 0.1 (EIA) 5%
Silver - - 0.01 (EIA) 10%
No Color - - - 20%

Ceramic Capacitor Color Codes

Color Decimal Multiplier (C) Tolerance (D)
- Above 10pf -
Tolerance (D)
- Below 10pf -
Temp Coef ppm/°C
Black 1 20 2.0 0
Brown 10 1 - -30
Red 100 2 - -80
Orange 1000 - - -150
Yellow - - - -220
Green - 5 0.5 -330
Blue - - - -470
Violet - - - -750
Gray 0.01 - .25 30
White 0.1 10 1.0 500
Ceramic disc capacitors are usually labeled.
If the number is <1, then the value is picofarads. If the number is >1, the value is microfarads.

Capacitor Diagrams

Disc Capacitor Disc Capacitor
Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor
Mica Capacitor Mica Capacitor