Stephen |
Agriculture Agriculture is very important to Stephen's economy. small grains and row crops including wheat, barley, sunflowers, potatoes and sugarbeets dominate ag production in the fertile Red River Valley of the North of which Stephen lies in the center. Rich, fertile farms produce a major portion of Minnesota's total potato yield. Northern grown "Blue Tag" certified seed are the number one choice of growers nationwide. Quality "chipping" and "table stock" potatoes have made Stephen the third largest shipping point in the Red River Valley. Acres of ideal beet land promote a thriving sugarbeet industry. Millions of bushels of good protein milling wheat, durum, and top quality malting barley are shipped annually to major points in the United States, contributing to Stephen's affluence. specialty crops such as corn, sunflowers, and soybeans complete the farming picture for our area. They represent growth through diversification and strengthens a changing ag industry. Commercial Sector Main street business supply residents with appliances, hardware, office supplies, yard equipment, electronic equipment, all your grocery needs, and an assortment of dry goods. Stephen also boasts of a leather and canvas repair shop that has been operation since "1895". Footwear is also mended or repaired. Industrial Park The City Clerk's office maintains a list of industrial buildings and sites along with pertinent information. There are tow industrial sites -- one city-owned and one privately owned. City-owned utilities, electric, water and sewage offer another cost advantage for local industry. Commercial Club Community Development The Stephen Community Development Association, Inc., city government, and Stephen Commercial Club welcome and encourage inquiries about our community. Acknowledgement of the importance of a healthy economic future has caused the community to participate in the following programs of analysis and planning: