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Tri-County students attend FCCLA Leadership Conference in Seattle

Standing Greta Rominski, Hailey Bothum, Rhett Pearson, & Elijah Sollund Sitting in front is Susan Budziszewski & Justina Pietruszewski
Standing Greta Rominski, Hailey Bothum, Rhett Pearson, & Elijah Sollund Sitting in front is Susan Budziszewski & Justina Pietruszewski
Rhett Pearson 7th Grade, Hailey Bothum 8th Grade, Greta Rominski-8th Grade, and Elijah Sollund 7th Grade
Rhett Pearson 7th Grade, Hailey Bothum 8th Grade, Greta Rominski-8th Grade, and Elijah Sollund 7th Grade
The 2024 FCCLA National Leadership Conference (NLC) took place in Seattle, WA, from June 29 – July 3, drawing more than 8,000 students, educators, and guests from across the nation. This gathering provided a valuable platform for attendees to expand their leadership skills, sharpen their talents, explore career pathways, and listen to inspiring speakers.

The highly anticipated Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events were at the heart of the conference. Over 4,300 FCCLA Members competed in these events, where they were recognized for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. The collaboration between youth and adults in managing the events and evaluating participants allowed students to develop real-world skills and gain valuable insights.

STAR Events are pivotal in supporting student development by enhancing their classroom experience and guiding them toward successful career pathways. With more than 30 events to choose from, participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities by actively addressing essential issues concerning families, careers, or communities. By researching the topic and implementing projects to advocate for positive change, students acquired valuable skills and industry insights needed to thrive in the 21st century.

We are thrilled to share that 7th graders, Rhett Pearson and Elijah Sollund along with 8th graders Greta Rominski and Hailey Bothum proudly represented Tri County School at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA after advancing from the State level in March. Rhett and Elijah competed in the Food Innovations STAR Event and achieved a remarkable gold medal while Greta and Hailey competed in the Entrepreneurship STAR Event, earning a silver medal! in recognition of their outstanding performance. Rhett and Elijah were tasked with creating a nutritional snack recipe that catered to their peers while adhering to specific nutritional guidelines.  Greta and Hailey put together a detailed business plan for opening an after school program that would target students in grades K-6. Both group’s accomplishments at the national level is a testament to their dedication, teamwork, and commitment to producing quality work!

In addition to attending the conference, taking in the speakers, general sessions, EXPO, FCCLA Store and competing in STAR Events, the students, adviser Justina Pietruszewski and chaperone Susan Budziszewski were able to also enjoy a little sightseeing while in Seattle.  They got to experience the Space Needle, Pike’s Public Market, a Seattle Mariner’s Game at T-Mobile Park and an evening on the beach of Puget Sound at The Golden Garden’s Park at which the bathhouse is a designated historic landmark to Seattle. 

This trip was made possible for Tri County FCCLA members by the generous donations of businesses, FCCLA alumni and community members in Karlstad and surrounding towns

City of East Grand Forks pledges funds to help begin air service to Denver


The East Grand Forks city council pledged $20,000 to support a grant request to expand air service at Grand Forks International Airport (GFK) at their July 16 meeting. The move could lead to establishing a SkyWest/United connection from Grand Forks direct to Denver.

The City of Grand Forks and the airport are leading the effort to request $1 million in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Small Community Air Service Development Program. A local match of at least $400,000 has been identified as improving the chances for receiving the competitive grant.

Barry Wilfahrt, president and CEO of the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce, said the committee organizing the application has received $130,000 of its $200,000 fundraising goal. Pledges range from $1,000 to $20,000 from local businesses and organizations. The City of Grand Forks has pledged up to $300,000.

Delta Airlines offers daily flights to Minneapolis, a Delta hub, Wilfahrt noted. SkyWest has given a letter of support for service to Denver, which is a United Airlines hub that can lead to points west.

Council member Dale Helms questioned what East Grand Forks would get for this $20,000 and how the grant money would be used.

Wilfahrt said the service would make Grand Forks more attractive as a regional airport hub so that people don’t have to drive to Fargo. He also later noted that the grant funds are to be used as a revenue guarantee to support SkyWest services during the first year of operation.

The Grand Forks International Airport has received two previous grants through the same program. In 2006 they were awarded $350,000 in an initial effort to attract United to provide service to Denver. However, the grant eventually brought Allegiant flights to Las Vegas and Phoenix-Mesa in 2009-2010.

Another grant for $300,000 was awarded in 2011 to help launch United/SkyWest to Denver in 2012. The flights lasted for 14 months.

Mayor Steve Gander expressed his support for approving the pledge request, saying it’s a “show of good faith saying we see the benefit.”

The motion to approve the pledge request passed with Helms voting in opposition.

The application deadline is July 25. The pledge will not need to be paid unless the grant request is approved. A decision is expected by the end of the year.